
Hi Students and Parents!

Welcome to Mrs. Juarez's blog. This blog will keep you up to date with in-class activities/learning and school reminders. I will update this blog weekly. Please feel free to leave me a post if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Don't forget to check your child's homework folder and practice reading every night!

Happy Reading!
Mrs. Juarez-Bautista, NBCT

Friday, August 30, 2013

Happy Friday!!!!

Hi! What a great 1st week we had in First Grade!!!! The children are all so sweet and eager to learn! I just know it's going to be a great year! 

Today we read The Rainbow Fish and discussed about being a great friend that shares and cares for each other. We connected this to the classroom about being a great friend and NEVER being a bully! Then we worked on completing a book report on The Rainbow Fish, this will be your child's homework for the weekend. Every weekend, your child will borrow a book from our classroom library and they will need to complete a book report on this book. Book reports are on the backside of the reading log and are due back on Tuesday. 

Also, please complete the Parent Survey to help me get to know your child. 

Lastly, don't forget that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday! I will see you all on Tuesday!

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

~Ms. Juarez

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday 08/29/13

Hi! Today was another busy day in room 104. We took a Spelling inventory that will help me group spellers into groups to better accommodate and differentiate their instruction. Then we re-read The Napping House and worked on building our independent reading stamina! We learned about 3 different ways to read a book! Lastly, I showed the children our blog and how to navigate features located on the right on the screen so they can use the educational websites and listen to stories online.

Reading: practice reading (use log on the back of orange folder) and practice the sight words in the composition notebook.

Math: Worksheet on drawing and adding to find the sum 

Spelling: Practice test (give your child a practice test)

Example of Rainbow Write (2 colors here are purple and pink)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday 08/28/13

Hi! Today the students started to pick up the classroom routine quicker and things are moving along smoothly! Today I am sending home a Math worksheet that goes along to what I taught in class. We are counting and adding numbers together to find out "how many in all." Also, thank you for being awesome parents and working with your child on their Spelling and Reading homework. We have been having great homework return! If you are confused about Spelling and Reading homework I will explain expectations at Open House so don't worry. I am including pictures of what today's Spelling homework will look like and what yesterday's homework was suppose to look like too.

5 Sentences

Rainbow Write

Spelling: Rainbow Write (switch colors to chuck sounds) finish where we left off on word #5

Reading: practice reading log and sight words

Math: Workbook page on adding and counting 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday 08/27/13

Hi! Today I am sending home your child's Sight Word Notebook! In addition to Spelling assessment on Friday your child will need to read these words "in a snap." Please practice these words nightly! Also, please don't forget to return completed Emergency Forms and Lunch Forms as soon as possible. 

Spelling: 5 sentences and draw a matching picture (pick any 5 words)
example: It was so hot outside that I needed a fan.

Reading: practice reading a book and record what you read on the reading log (located on the bacl of the orange folder)

Sight Words: use flashcards and practice saying the sight words "in a snap"

Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday 08/26/13

Hi! Today was a great first day! I am so excited to get to know each student individually. The class seems to have a genuine and caring concern for one another. Today we went over classroom rules, routine, and expectations. We also read The Night Before 1st Grade and The Napping House. 


Spelling: 3 times each inside their Spelling notebook. This week's words are: fan, dad, sad, man, pad, van, mad, can  (review from Kindergarten, words will get harder)

Forms: Please return Emergency Forms as soon as possible and some students have Lunch Forms to fill out... if you don't see one in the orange folder dont worry about it. Both forms are very important and need to be completed and return as soon as possible.

Reading: On the backside of the folder you will find a Reading Log... here please read with you child and under Monday's date please record the title of the book you and your child read together.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Welcome! I am so excited to start the new school year! I am looking forward to getting to know and working with you and your child this year. First grade is a fun year filled with lots of learning. This is my 8th year of teaching and I am always amazed with how much students grow and learn in 1st grade!

I hope you find this blog helpful throughout the school year!

Happy Reading!
~Ms. Juarez