
Hi Students and Parents!

Welcome to Mrs. Juarez's blog. This blog will keep you up to date with in-class activities/learning and school reminders. I will update this blog weekly. Please feel free to leave me a post if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Don't forget to check your child's homework folder and practice reading every night!

Happy Reading!
Mrs. Juarez-Bautista, NBCT

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thursday 12/19/13

Please make sure your child is ready for test day tomorrow. Spelling, sight words, and math test tomorrow!

Our holiday party will be tomorrow! We have been doing a unit on the book The Polar Express. We are asking that just like the characters in the book that all children come to school on Friday in their pajamas!

We will also be making holiday crafts! Please send a shoebox (labeled with your child’s name) to school. This shoebox will help in carrying home the holiday crafts and other party goodies.

We will also be having pizza! The school is providing the pizza. Please send your child with a juice or water to enjoy during pizza party!

If you would like to send a treat for the class party please make sure you send enough for 28 students. There are 13 boys and 15 girls. All treats must be store bought and individually wrapped. Please don’t send cupcakes or large bag of chips. 

Spelling: practice test

Math: Workbook page

Phonics: workbook pages 169-172

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wednesday 12/19/13

Hi! Today we looked at diagrams and learned about how diagrams can tell us more about what we are reading. In Math we worked on counting by tens to numbers up to 120. In writing we continued to work on How To books. I also sent a note home about our holiday party for Friday!!!!

Spelling: rainbow write

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Phonics: workbook page 163-168

Math: 2 workbook pages 

Our holiday party will be on Friday, December 20, 2013. We have been doing a unit on the book The Polar Express. We are asking that just like the characters in the book that all children come to school on Friday in their pajamas!

We will also be making holiday crafts! Please send a shoebox (labeled with your child’s name) to school. This shoebox will help in carrying home the holiday crafts and other party goodies.

We will also be having pizza! The school is providing the pizza. Please send your child with a juice or water to enjoy during pizza party!

If you would like to send a treat for the class party please make sure you send enough for 28 students. There are 13 boys and 15 girls. All treats must be store bought and individually wrapped. Please don’t send cupcakes or large bag of chips.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tuesday 12/17/13

Hi! Today we read the book Elephants Grow and focus on reading strategies for nonfiction text. In writing we started our 2nd How-To Book!!! In Math we worked on writing numbers with tens and ones in different ways.


Spelling: 5 sentences

Phonics: workbook pages 159-162

Reading: practice sight words and reading (log)

Math: 2 workbook pages on making tens and ones

Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday 12/16/13

Hi! The count down begins for winter break!!!! We have 4 more school days!!! We will be having a Holiday Pizza Party on Friday!!! The pizza is provided by the school but they don't include drinks. Please send your child with a juice or water to have during the party. 

Weekly Words:
Blue: prune, bump, tooth, grunt, built, crude, suit, cute, flute, build, bruise, plus, spoon, cruise, bloom, skunk, trust, smooth, juice, mule, moon

Green: princess, prince, pretzel, present/ tray, track, triangle, tree, truck/ dragon, dream, drill, drum, draw/ bread, brush, bridge, broom, bride

Yellow: jar, jacket, jeans, jet, jump/ wing, web, wave, wagon, wig/ quilt, quack, question, quarter, quiet

Sight Words: someone, everything, were, that's, your're, wait, saying, we'll, their, can't

Spelling: 3 times each

Phonics: 155-158

Reading: practice sight words and poem, and practice reading log

Math: 2 workbook pages

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday 12/12/13

Hi! Tomorrow is test day! Please make sure your child is ready to be assessed on sight-words and spelling words. Also, thank you to all the parents who promptly returned progress reports. If you haven't done so, please make sure to return progress reports as soon as possible. 

Spelling: practice test

Phonics: workbook pages 143-146

Reading: Practice sight-words and practice reading

Math: two workbook pages on tens and ones

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday 12/11/13

Hi! Today we learned more about different text features and how to identify fiction books from nonfiction. Today we read "A Day in the Life of a Garbage Collector." We practice the skill of identifying what we are learning and what we wonder. In Math, we worked on place value and illustrating tens and ones. In English, we learned about plural nouns and adding "s" to show more than one. 

Also, today progress reports went home. Please review, sign, and return progress reports as soon as possible

Spelling: 3 times each

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading (log)

Phonics: workbook pages 139-142

Math: workbook page on tens and ones 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuesday 12/10/13

Hi! Today we read The Polar Express and we worked on noticing how characters' feeling change throughout a story. In math, we worked on counting by tens starting from different parts in the hundred chart. In Science, we are learning about food chains and how animals and plants rely on each other to survive. Also, in English we learned about nouns and how to identify them and categorize different nouns. 

Spelling: 5 sentences

Reading: practice sight words, poems, and reading (log)

Phonics: 2 phonics workbook pages 133 and 137 

Math: workbook page on counting by tens and worksheet on subtraction

Monday, December 9, 2013


Hi! Today we started Chapter 6 in Math. This unit we will be working on counting and modeling numbers. Students will work with numbers and place value from 0-120. This unit should be fairly easy since we count everyday during morning warm-up.

Weekly Spelling and Sight Words:

Yellow: lips, lizards, lamp, leaf, lock, lion/ kite, kitten, kitchen, kangaroo, key, king
(assessing initial sounds and strong sounds Kangaroo = kangro)

Green: crane, crown, crib, crackers/ cloud, claw, clock, class/ fry, fruit, frame, freezer/  glue, glasses, glass, globe/ grass, grill, grasshopper, groceries
(assessing blends cr, cl, fr, gl, gr and strong sounds grasshopper = grashopr)

Blue: cone, owe, rode, those, throne/ coast, groan, loan, road/ blown, glow, know, slow, throw/ both, cold, ghost, poll, tol/ toe

Spelling: 3times each

Reading: practice reading (log sheet) and practice sight words and poem

Phonics: workbook pages 129-132

Math: workbook page on counting forward

Friday, December 6, 2013

Friday! 12/6/13

Hi! It's been a full week of learning! Today the students had a chance to visit the Science Fair. In Social Studies we learned about different land-forms and water in the United States. We also took all our tests today. Please check test folder!

Also, if you can please send a roll of paper to class it will be greatly appreciated. We are on our last 4 rolls! We use paper towels for spills, napkins for treats, and to clean our desk once a week. 

Reading: read every night and complete book report for Monday

Phonics: workbook pages 125-128

Math: workbook page

Test folder: please review, sign, and return all test and log inside test folder

Have a great weekend!!!!!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday 12/05/13

Hi! Today we worked on adding details, stretching our words, and punctuation in writing our "how-to" books. In science we are learning about the different habitats and the living things that are in that habitat. In math we reviewed material covered in Chapter 5 to prepare for our test tomorrow. Please make sure your child has practice and mastered their sight words and spelling words for tomorrow's tests!

Spelling: spelling practice test (I will grade all spelling from the week tomorrow)

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Phonics:  pages 121-124

Math: workbook page on Chapter 5 Review

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday 12/4/13

Hi! Today we worked on understanding the different parts of an How To book. We read the book "How to be a Baby, by Me, the Big Sister" by Sally Lloyd-Jones. We study this mentor text and got started on our own "how to" book. In Math we worked on understanding that there is no right or wrong way to solve basic math facts, For today's homework students can choose what operation they want to use to solve each problem (draw counters, make a ten frame, related facts, doubles, or just know facts automatically).

P.S. Please make sure your child writes their name on every single homework page. Un-named homework doesn't get graded. This is a very important skill.

Spelling: rainbow write

Phonics: pages 115-116 and 119-120

Math: workbook page

Reading: practice sight words and poem. Don't forget to read every night and record in reading log! 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday 12/03/13

Hi! Today we worked on identifying what we are learning and questioning from non-fiction text as we read Raptors. In math we worked on understanding if number sentences are equal to each other or not. In English we are learning about nouns for people and animals. The students also had a guest speaker who taught them about pedestrian safety.


Spelling: 5 sentences and pictures

Phonics: 2 workbook pages

Reading: practice reading in log, practice sight words and poem

Math: workbook page on Is it equal?

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday 12/2/13

Hi! Hope you all enjoyed your long weekend! Time to get back to business!

Today in Math we worked on a hard skill of different ways to make numbers up to 20. The students had counting cubes in class to help them learn this skill. Then I also taught ways to do this without counting cubes, since at home they won't have access to this. Students can draw out counters (preferably in a ten frame) and then "cut" the number in different ways. Or, you can provide your child with objects (such as beans, buttons) and separate the numbers in different ways. This is a challenging skill so we will be re-visiting this a few times.

Spelling: 3 times each

Reading: practice sight words and poem 

Math: 2 workbook pages 

Spelling Words:
Yellow: corn, cow, cake,coat, hose, house, horn, hill, fire, four, fan, fish, door, desk, doll, dog
(assessing for initial and prominent sounds: for example coat = "cot")

Green: plant, plow, plug, pliers, plum, sled, slices, sleep, slippers, slide, blocks, black, blue, blanket, blouse, flag, flower, flute, float, flashlight
(assessing for initial blends bl, pl, sl, fl and prominent sounds  for example pliers = "plirs")

Blue: long, blow, loaf, dome, coach, slow, roast, gloss, lose, roam, boat, know, grow, wrote, globe, throw, chop, drop, shop, note, close

Sight Words: with, there, thought, are, night, our, town, made, away, myself
(not assessing spelling, but fluency to say each word in a snap)