
Hi Students and Parents!

Welcome to Mrs. Juarez's blog. This blog will keep you up to date with in-class activities/learning and school reminders. I will update this blog weekly. Please feel free to leave me a post if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Don't forget to check your child's homework folder and practice reading every night!

Happy Reading!
Mrs. Juarez-Bautista, NBCT

Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday 12-19-14

Winter Break!!!
Dear Parents,
        Winter Break is finally here! Over break I am asking that you continue to read with your child every night! Take trips to the library and checkout books! We are testing for reading levels when we return from break, so we don’t want your child to stop practicing their reading! Your child will need to complete 2 Book Reports and log their daily reading for Monday, January 5th.

        Also, I am sending home Common Core Home and School Connection Reading and Math workbooks. These workbooks can stay at home and be used to review material we covered in class. In Math students should be able to complete Lessons 1-17 and in Reading Lessons 1-6. The rest of the material will be taught after break. However, you can use these workbooks as you please (as a review or as a way to expose your child to new concepts). I don’t need these workbooks back.
        In addition, I am sending home Chicago White Sox Fatherhood Essay. If you would like your child to participate in the essay contest, please complete and return to school on January 5th. All essays need to be written in English.
  Lastly, progress reports are going home today. Please review, sign, and return progress reports on Monday, January 5th as well. Thank you for your help and have a wonderful Winter Break!

Happy Holidays!
~Ms. Juarez

Vacaciones de Invierno!!!
Estimados padres de familia,
Vacaciones de invierno ya está aquí! Durante las vacaciones estoy pidiendo que continúe leyendo con su hijo/a todas las noches! Tome viajes a la biblioteca! Vamos a evaluar los niveles de lectura cuando regresemos de las vacaciones. No queremos que su hijo/a a deje de practicar su lectura! Su hijo tendrá que completar 2 reportes de libros y apuntar su lectura diaria el Lunes, 05 de enero.

Además, también les envío Common Core Libros de  Lectura y de Matemáticas. Estos libros pueden quedarse en casa y ser usado para revisar el material que cubrimos en clase. En matemáticas los estudiantes deben ser capaces de completar Lecciones 1-17 y en Reading Lecciones 1-6. El resto del material será impartido después de las vacaciones. Sin embargo, puede utilizar estos libros a su gusto (como repaso o como una manera de exponer a su hijo/a a nuevos conceptos). No es necesario de regresar estos libros.

Además, también los envío Chicago White Sox Fatherhood Essay. Si desea que su hijo participe en el concu rso de composición, por favor complete y devuelva la composición el 05 de enero. Todos las composiciones deben ser escritas en Inglés.

Por último, les envió el Progreso de Reportes. Por favor, revisar, firmar y regrese los informes el lunes, 5 de enero. Gracias por su ayuda y que tengan unas maravilloso vacaciones de invierno!

Felices vacaciones!

~ Sra. Juárez

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday 12-18-14

Hi! Tomorrow we will be viewing the movie The Polar Express for our holiday party. You don't have to send in treats, but if you would like to please make sure there is enough for 30 students. All treats must be store bought and individually wrapped. 

Please make sure your child is ready to be tested on their sight words and spelling words! 

Spelling: practice test

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Math: none -We took our Chapter 3 Test today!

Phonics: none

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wednesday 12/17/14

Hi! Today we reviewed different ways to add for Chapter 3 in Math. We will test on Chapter 3 tomorrow! We also read the story "The Polar Express" and we will be working with this story for the rest of the week. For our holiday party we will watch the movie "The Polar Express." If you would like you can send treats for Friday. We are now 30 students. Please make sure all treats are store bought and individual wrapped. 

Spelling: rainbow write 

Math: practice test

Phonics: page 131

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thursday 12/11/14

Hi! Today the students attended the Story Bus! They really seemed to enjoy that. In Social Studies we are learning about different "Christmas" traditions around the world. Today we learned about Kwanza. As we are learning from nonfiction text, the students are also learning what good readers do when they read nonfiction text. The skill we are working on is "What am I learning and What do I wonder?" jotting down their thoughts as they read!  Please make sure your child knows their words and is ready to test for tomorrow.

Spelling: Practice test 

Math: workbook page 67-68 on adding three numbers and word problems

Phonics: page 125-126

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wednesday 12/10/14

Spelling: Rainbow Write

Math: work page 27-28

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Phonics: 2 workbook pages 121-124

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday 12-09-14

Hi! This week we are working on writing "big idea" How To Books. We read the books "How to be a Baby, by Big Sister" and "How to Lose all Your Friends" We then made a list of possible how to books that we are interested in writing. It was funny to see the ides they came up with! 

Spelling: 5 sentences

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Phonics: page 119

Math: adding 3 numbers by grouping 2 #s and then adding the 3rd# page 65-66

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Monday 12/08/14

Hi! Today the students had a substitute. So the homework below is written with the intentions that the substitute followed today's lesson plans. 

Weekly Words: 
Orange: beginning sounds n and p
nap, net, nose, nest, nail, nurse, pie, pin, peg, pig, pen, peach

Yellow: et, eg, en word families
net, pet, jet, wet, leg, peg, beg, Meg, pen, hen, men, ten

Green: cr, cl, fr, gl, gr blends
crane, crown, crib, crackers, cloud, claw, clock, class, fry, fruit, frame, freezer, glue, glasses, glass, globe, grass, grill, grasshopper, groceries

Blue: short and long vowel
wax, skin, crab, lots, gum, drip, which, mule, rule, safe, wife, cape, tide, vote, wipe, done, have

Spelling: 3 times each

Math: workbook page 63-64

Phonics: workbook page

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday 12-04-14

Hi! Today I retaught the Math skill of make ten to add. This seems tricky but once the students get the concept they will understand that adding to ten is much easier then the traditional way of adding.

Also, something is going around in our classroom. We had 8 absences today and lots of coughing and sneezing. Even I feel  under the weather. Please make sure your child has lots of vitamin C and talk to to them about safe health precautions that we practice at school (washing hands, coughing into elbow, not chewing on pencils, not picking their nose, and wearing the proper winter attire). Your child's health is important to the class. 

Don't forget tomorrow is test day! Make sure your child is ready to be assess on their weekly words. 

Spelling: Practice test

Phonics: page 113-114

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading (Reading log)

Math: reteach page R25-26

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


We had an awesome trip!!!!!!! The students really enjoyed the museum and had a great time. Thank you again to all the parent chaperones for helping out and making sure everyone had a fun and safe trip!

Spelling: rainbow write

Phonics: pg. 111

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words 

Math: no homework... we need to revisit yesterday's lesson since homework showed it was a bit challenging

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday 12-02-14

Dear Parents,
Tomorrow will be our first field trip. We are excited and want your child to get the best learning experience! Please make sure…

Your child has a book bag for the trip. Each student will need to carry his/her own book bag including coats, gloves, scarves, etc. during our visit at the museum. 

Make sure students have their lunches inside their book bags. We encourage drinks that have lids that can be easily opened/closed. Lunches should include a sandwich of some sort, a small healthy snack, and a drink. (NO SODA or CANDY!)

Students should come in jeans with a Columbia Explorers Academy t-shirt and comfy walking shoes.

Special Thanks to the parents of Lizbeth, Maxim, Khole, Oscar, Isabella, and Amy for chaperoning our field trip! 

Spelling: 5 sentences

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Phonics: page 109

Math: workbook page 61-62

Monday, December 1, 2014

MONDAY 12/01/14

Field Trip is this Wednesday!!!!!!! Please make sure to return signed forms to school ASAP! 

Weekly Words:
Blue: cube, plus, just, hunt, cute, club, flute, bus, mule, drum, shut, tune, June, use, cut, huge, jump, tube, such, rude, put

Green: plant, plow, plug, pliers, plum, sled, slices, sleep, slippers, slide, blocks, black, blue, blanket, blouse, flag, flower, flute, float, flashlight

Yellow: bug, run, mug, nut, sun, bun, rug, cut, hut

Orange: Tie, time, tire, toes, tooth, toys, top, gold, goose, game, goat, girl, goat

Spelling: 3 times each... Also, if your child didn't finish cutting their words in class, please make sure they are ready and cut for class tomorrow. Having their word cards prepared is very important to the spelling lesson we do in class.

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words

Phonics: page 107-108

Math: Workbook pg 59-60