
Hi Students and Parents!

Welcome to Mrs. Juarez's blog. This blog will keep you up to date with in-class activities/learning and school reminders. I will update this blog weekly. Please feel free to leave me a post if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Don't forget to check your child's homework folder and practice reading every night!

Happy Reading!
Mrs. Juarez-Bautista, NBCT

Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday 3/24/14

Dear Parents,

        In replacement of phonics practice pages, I am sending home a grammar/writing packet. This entire packet is due Friday, March 28th 2014. In class, we have practice writing a friendly letter. Your child needs to decide who to write a letter to and share something interesting with that person.  In addition, your child will need to complete the attached envelope by completing both the mailing and return address. After I grade the letters, I will send them out!  I recommend completing a page a day, making a practice letter, and then having your child develop their final letter on Thursday. Remind your child to pay close attention to their spelling and end marks in their writing.
Ms. Juarez 

Weekly Words:
Blue: or, ore, oar
store, wore, boar, fork, poor, more, for, storm, hoarse, oar, horse, roar, tore, worm, work, worse, floor, world, soar, four, corn

Pink: short i and lone i
stick, dice, gift, flip, thin, drive, give, kick, prize, hike, dish, swim, spill,  mice, pin, five, life, rich, nice, nine

Green: ag, eg, ig, og, ug
rag, wag, jog, slug, dig, hug, fig, Meg, plug, fog, bag, peg, flag, snag, twig, log, big,frog, beg, mug, rug, wig, drug, hog, jig

Yellow: an, in, en, un
thin, then, plan, hen, when, bun, man, ran, fun, fin, fan, pen, chin, grin, men, skin, win, run, pan, than

Sight Words:
worry, what, untied, worse, through, share, rules, someone, learn, loose

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading log

Math: practice test packet (test is tomorrow)

Writing: Letter writing due Friday!

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