
Hi Students and Parents!

Welcome to Mrs. Juarez's blog. This blog will keep you up to date with in-class activities/learning and school reminders. I will update this blog weekly. Please feel free to leave me a post if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Don't forget to check your child's homework folder and practice reading every night!

Happy Reading!
Mrs. Juarez-Bautista, NBCT

Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday 04/28/14

Dear Parents,
        I am sending home a Reading Comprehension and Word Work packet. This entire packet is due Friday, May 2nd 2014. This packet is a review of the work we have done in class. I recommend completing the packet using the following schedule.

Monday: pages 20-23                        Tuesday: page 24-25
Wednesday: pages 26-28                   Thursday: 29-32

Weekly Words: 
Green: ang, ing, ong, ung words families
strong, bring, king, ding, sting, sung, gang, rang, rung, sing, ring, gong, clang, hang, song, sang, stung, long, lung, fang

Yellow: ack, ick, ock, uck
truck, tuck, rock, luck, rack, pack, back, kick, chick, tack, stuck, clock, pluck, flock, dock, trick, thick, black, lick, block

Blue: oo diagraph
fool, brook, hood, noon, should, stood, nook, hook, root, hoop, tool, wool, spoon, could, troop, wood, foot, soot, would, stool, crook, spool, groom

Pink: short a (cvc) and long a: CVCe, CVVC-ai, and AY open syllable
blame, shade, smash, clay, grass, gray, drain, stand, grain, play, brave, tray, taste, shape, brain, wade, trash, class, past, raise, stray, stay, gain, nail

Sight Words:
form, crawl, different, change, grow, place, enough, while, inside, from

Math: workbook page 237-238 using pattern shapes

Spelling: 5 times each

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Reading Comprehension Packet: Due Friday

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