
Hi Students and Parents!

Welcome to Mrs. Juarez's blog. This blog will keep you up to date with in-class activities/learning and school reminders. I will update this blog weekly. Please feel free to leave me a post if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Don't forget to check your child's homework folder and practice reading every night!

Happy Reading!
Mrs. Juarez-Bautista, NBCT

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday 04/23/14

Hi! Sorry for not posting Monday and Tuesday! We have been very busy getting back in the swing of things. This week I sent home a  Reading Comprehension and Word Work packet. This entire packet is due Friday, April 25th 2014. This packet is a review of the work we have done in class with reading and writing opinions. I recommend completing the packet using the following schedule. 

Monday: pages 118-121 Tuesday: page 122-125
Wednesday: pages 126-127 Thursday: 128-130
Ms. Juarez 

Weekly Words: 
Blue: oi, oy
join, spoil, joy, joint, soil, oil, coin, boil, broil, soy, coil, moist, toy

Pink: short and long vowel review
mule, rule, crab, capre, have, which, done, skin, wife, tide, drip, wipe, wax, safe, lots, gum, vote

Green: ash, ish, ush
rush, flash, fish, crash, hush, trash, dash, swish, mush, flush, rash, mash, wish, crush, blush, smash, dish, plush

fell, will, fill, well, small, sell, bill, fall, call, tall, smell, hill, hall, chill, shell, spill, tell

Sight Words:
litter, air, pollution, breathe, clean, recycle, share, Earth, care, keep

Spelling: rainbow write

Math: Workbook page R91-92

Reading: practice sight words and reading

Reading Packet: due Friday! 

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